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Instant gratification messer fun!

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Sir William:
Huh...singlehand swords is where it's at for me...guess I should sign up for a class at some point so I can actually learn this stuff in real time.

Sir Edward:

Absolutely! You won't regret it. It's a blast. :)

The historical techniques for single-hand usually fall into two categories-- Messer, and Sword & Buckler, since that's what most of the currently available surviving material covers. Either approach will give you a really good grasp of how to fight with a single sword.

Longsword tends to be taught a lot since it also historically was a good teaching weapon. What you learn can be scaled down to a single-hand sword, and also scaled up to a spear or poleaxe. There's also a lot of good surviving material on it. But you don't have to start there if you don't want to. Personally I found it easier to start there and then work in some of the added complexity of having your other hand do something different.


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