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Instant gratification messer fun!
Sword Chick:
I thought some of y'all might be interested in knowing (and perchance haven't heard yet) that Freelance Academy Press has a downloadable video with a companion PDF on an anonymous messer treatise from the Glasgow Fechtbuch. It's well done, informative, inexpensive and you get it instantly. Pretty good deal.
I got it yesterday and have only watched it once so far. I especially enjoyed it because Das Bill had me working through some of those plays in my lessons before the holiday break.
You can get it here:
Sir Edward:
This looks awesome. I think I need to grab that.
Sword Chick:
It is. You do.
Remember, Das Bill said we are going into messer in class after the break. Time to get ahead of the curve. :)
Sir William:
Anything related to sword instruction is awesome...I have very little knowledge regarding messers or how they were used; I just thought of them as single-edged swords much like a falchion or backsword. I am learning, slowly.
Sir Edward:
A lot of the messer techniques will apply to fairly average sized single-hand swords, but there are a few things that really are meant for the way the messers were built. The nagel comes to mind, which is a protrusion out the side of the guard. Some of the techniques assume you have one. Otherwise, it's all pretty adaptable.
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