Main > The Armoury

Ed's other kit, 15th century

<< < (13/18) > >>

Sir Edward:
OK, got the safety pins out and have it laced. Looking good! Except for those stupid eyelets I won't be using anymore. :)

Second shot is with my arm turned so you can see the lacing come together. Normally this is on the outside edge of my forearm.


Sir Edward:

And I have two voiders! Now that I'm getting to wear it with both, I'm noticing I made it a little tight around the chest area. I can play with how tightly I laced it, and can put longer laces in if necessary.

Sir Brian:
Looks great!  :)

Sir Wolf:
i am so jeleous. did your mail have that black junk on it? mine does ug its aweful. maybe thi swinter I'll work on putting mine on.. curse you! hehhe

now were are the pictures of the plate that got fixed?

Sir Edward:
Pictures soon, I hope. :) Visually it doesn't look that different. I'll have to put it all on and take a shot at some point. It's hard to armor up without my squire here (Kat and I joke that she's my squire, and I'm her handmaiden, since we're always helping with each others' garb in the faire parking lot).

No black gunk, they were just mildly oiled.


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