Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

thoguth this looked cool w/ legos

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Sir Wolf:
my nephews and i made one once out of paper mache and Popsicle sticks. looked killer and lasted a long time

Sir James A:
Very impressive. I had legos growing up, but half of those blocks don't look familiar at all. I wonder how many kits he had to buy to do that? Even the bottom isn't road plates, it looks like he built even the grass from regular small plates. Wow!

Sir Edward:
Yeah, they've made a lot of new parts over the years. These days you can buy large single-color base plates, so I think that's probably one of those. (base plates have studs on top but are smooth underneath).

I do wonder how many sets he had to cannibalize to do that.

Sir William:
I loved my lincoln logs...never cared much for Legos though.  Not even the cool Lego Knights I've seen.  :)


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