Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

thoguth this looked cool w/ legos

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Sir Wolf:

more photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bcrogue/sets/72157625613174654/

Sir Brian:
Very cool! I don't have the patience for legos as I barely put together the legos knight Rosemary gave me for Christmas last year!  ;)

Sir Ancelyn:
Ooooooh! Nice..

I wonder if it would also look okay with Lincoln logs.

Sir Wolf:
you got lego knights? sweet.

Lincoln logs? awesome. i haven't played with those since i was like 5. my wife won't let me buy any for the boy cause she doesn't wanna step on them

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Ancelyn on 2010-12-18, 14:53:05 ---Ooooooh! Nice..

I wonder if it would also look okay with Lincoln logs.

--- End quote ---

Hey that has possibilities! You could make a more realistic looking Motte and Bailey! :)

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-12-18, 15:07:58 ---you got lego knights? sweet.

Lincoln logs? awesome. i haven't played with those since i was like 5. my wife won't let me buy any for the boy cause she doesn't wanna step on them

--- End quote ---

Maybe she’s afraid you’d teach the youngster how to properly prepare Viet Cong spike traps!


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