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1066 the Year of the Conquest

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Sir Wolf:
it really is a cool read. re read it then if you don't remember.

hey Sir Brian I see you got the Last Knight.  let me know when you start to read it and I'll break out my copy too

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-12-26, 14:29:26 ---hey Sir Brian I see you got the Last Knight.  let me know when you start to read it and I'll break out my copy too

--- End quote ---

Who wrote this one, and what's it about?  I might have to look for a copy.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-12-26, 14:29:26 ---it really is a cool read. re read it then if you don't remember.

hey Sir Brian I see you got the Last Knight.  let me know when you start to read it and I'll break out my copy too

--- End quote ---

Well I got to start it today while waiting in the ER with Rosemary. We spent a good eight hours there under the suspicion that her remaining kidney stones are causing another kidney infection.

As to the book it isn't that bad but I'm very skeptical about the author's perspective. He so far, at least up until the third chapter, seems overly preoccupied with the societal ramifications of the aristocracy and the blatantly corrupt influence of the primary religious establishments -i.e. Christianity and Islam.
I sincerely hope he tones down some of that presumptuous and sanctimonious liberalistic horseshit as I read further into the book.  :-\

Sir William:
Brian, how is Rosemary?

I'll look for that book as wife got me a Kindle for Christmas so...I'll be a downloading fool I suppose.  :)

Sir Brian:
She is home resting. The fever was below 100 this morning and she has antibiotics so hopefully she'll beat whatever this infection is soon. Thanks for asking!  :)

A kindle huh? Very cool and they are so popular these days! I may have to look into one of those. :)

Oh and I finally got my flask that was custom ordered about mid-fair at MDRF! It looks great! Now I have the pleasure of figuring out what spirits to fill it with! :)


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