Main > The Armoury

What brand of mail is this?

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Could be Cap-a-pie  :-\


Sir Edward:
"my medieval vision" is the photo gallery of "One Lucky Guy". We've used his photos as examples in other threads, so you might have seen it there. I tried sending him a message to invite him to the forum, but never heard from him. He may not check the messages on the photo site very often.

I guess Ice Falcon really is more about the dome-rivets. Doh. :)

Allan Senefelder:
" One lucky guy " is a guy named Joe Metz who's a customer. He signed on over at The Armour Archive a few months back and posted a few times.

Sir Edward:

Cool, feel free to mention the forum to him. I'm not on the archive much, but I'll keep am eye open when I'm there.

Sir William:
Looks like mine- only difference being mine's stainless.  It's India-made I'm sure...GDFB I'd say if I had to hazard a guess but my thinking is a lot of these guys are getting their mail from the same outlet, and I can't recall the name of it off-hand but I know he deals in bulk mail, no pun intended.


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