Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Knight for Hire

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-11-05, 14:55:15 ---Well, for my part, knighthood was never conferred upon me, I assumed that mantle years ago- as a child it was an aspiration I never totally forgot and as an adult, I espouse many of the chivalric ideals and try to live them.  Does this make me a knight?  As far as I'm concerned, it does.

--- End quote ---

I think for our purposes, that yes, of course it does. We're as knightly as we choose to be.

And heck, as being part of western culture, it's part of our own cultural heritage. A legacy that we've all inherited.

Sir William:
Agreed.  I've been considering plotting my genealogy...on my Mom's side we're pretty sure there's some Celtic influence...as she was adopted there's been no real way to tell.  She hasn't been able to contact anyone in her original family as far as I know.  I keep fantasizing that I'm descended from some obscure branch of nobility in Ireland or Scotland.  A man can dream.  :)

Sir Wolf:
hehehe, just no kilts with katanas ;) hahhaha

Sir William:
RIGHT.  I never was a true Highlander fan...I guess the tv show killed it for me.  Methos had the most awful looking sword I ever saw- sure, it was shiny and solid looking, and totally garish to my eyes.

Sir Patrick:
"There should have been only one." : ;D


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