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Creating a society/order?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-11, 21:56:53 ---
* We could start off by knighting just a few to get the minimum three for an accolade going, and let everyone else follow the normal path via the rules. I was thinking if we go this route, I'd grab Brian, Wolf, and Paladin since I know them through faire/elsewhere, have seen their kits, and believe them to be men of honor. That would be 4 of us, letting us each have the minimum of 3 for an accolade. We knight each other, and the ball is rolling.
--- End quote ---

I think this would be the best towards keeping the "equality" and low number of "tiers". Honorary Knights brings in another set of what can they do, what can't they do, how are they "ranked", and so on. That's also the core group of people I would vote towards being the founding members.

Sir Edward, I'll email you to further discuss the hosting, so I don't derail the thread further. :)

Sir Matthew:
I too like the idea of the initial four choosed by Sir Edward to begin the order. I would propose, though, that the title Honorary Knight be replaced with the title Knight Errant. It would remain the same as originally proposed, it would simply be a different term. Knight Errant has a more period feel to it, in my opinion. Once I assemble my mid-1300s kit, then perhaps I would seek a change in status. Until then, I don't quite feel like I belong in the official "Knight" category.

Sir Edward:

Well, my thought is that a true Knight Errant is one who is not associated with an Order at all. An "Honorary Knight" wouldn't really be a rank as such. My thinking here is that it can be a stepping stone for the initial members, but in the future would serve the purpose of bringing on people who want to participate online but can't physically (because of living on the other side of the ocean, for instance). So having a bunch of them would be, ideally, a temporary thing, with the main function of that level being to recognize someone as a knight without having to hold up the Order's business on their behalf. I don't know what rules we'd have for how to offer "honorary" status to someone, or whatever, so it's still all just an idea anyway.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-11-11, 23:31:53 ---- I would suggest another name to add to that potential initial listing is Sir Andrew. A most honorable knight and man of impeccable integrity.

--- End quote ---

Oh, absolutely. I haven't seen him chime in here yet, but he'd certainly be welcome!

Hey, this might sound a bit stupid but how does one go about making a coat of arms? I understand purposes of heraldry and such, and I have a few ideas that I like, but how do you get your coat of arms on the computer? Because I'd really like a shield by my name on that roster  ;D


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