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Creating a society/order?
Sir Patrick:
I also agree with your choices for the first knights, Sir Edward. You four gentlemen are, without a doubt, the very heart of this forum.
Sir Wolf:
:) coolness.
wondering if it to be wise to added a virtue that each of the knight holds. ie: sir brian: honor, sir charles (the wolf): strength, sir edward: truth, sir paladin: valor etc etc (not saying those are their strengths or highest virtues etc, still be neat :)
Sir William:
Wow, I'm gone one day and look at what's occurred. I think it is safe to say we're all of a similar mind w/regards to our new Order; love the roster page Sir Edward, it is a nice way of telling those of us who haven't done so to come up with our own coat of arms so that we might post them up as well. Really no reason why I don't have one, pure laziness but this is just the impetus I need.
Still love 'Order of the Marshal' for our name, just thought I'd put that out there. I'm really honored to be among the Founding Four as it were, and I'm excited at the prospect of this Order becoming a reality. All my life I've dreamed of being a part of something like this, you know?
I like Sir Wolf's idea too, that each of us could espouse a single knightly virtue (well, we espouse them all, but each would have a specific virtue associated with them principally) - but that could lead to 'classes' so to speak. For instance, we'll take Sir Edward's truth, and let's say there are a number of knights who would choose this as their primary virtue and x number of initiates sign up; what I'm thinking is we could end up with different 'jousting teams' as it that necessarily a bad thing? Could be...depends on how its handled. I think as knights, we're all competitive in nature in some way, shape or long as it remains friendly, you know, no 'that Valor group over there are a bunch of silly wankers' type of commentary being tossed about. Just my thoughts on it.
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
This is shaping up really nicely.
A massive pat on the back to Sir Ed, and all of you who have took the bull by the horns and had an active part in formulating the back bone.
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-11-12, 18:49:51 ---...took the bull by the horns...
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry, this brought the movie Dodgeball to mind; you know the painting White Goodman's got in his office with him holding the bull back by the horns? He says "...yea, that's a metaphor...but it actually did happen." LOL
Sorry, just sprang to mind.
Back on topic, this is great, just plain great so far.
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