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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-11, 13:56:32 ---so who's making the round table for all of the equal knights to sit around? and where should we store it?

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Well, if you'll hurry up and build a great hall, we could put it there. :)

Sir James A:
I am more partial to Order of Modern Chivalry, as ties into the forums here and I like the name better, but since the domain has been purchased, it's moot now anyway. :)

Sir Edward, if you want help with some of the CSS, HTML or graphics work, let me know and I will see what I can do. Depending on where it's hosted (and the tech available) I may be able to make something to allow each member to have a profile that they can update with pictures, bio, location, etc. ColdFusion/MSSQL is a cakewalk for me, and I have hosting space available with that in place already if you want me to host it (you retain domain name control and ownership, of course).

In regards to powerleveling/knighting:

* Perhaps we could have people enter as a squire, and have them eligible to be knighted only if they have assembled their "kit" (with the 5/10 foot rule in mind, whether soft kit or hard kit). I think the knighting ceremony should be done while they are wearing their kit, though of course subject to change based on the knight conferring. We could also take photos to post on the website, if we can find a good location that won't look too out of place. Which reminds me to post another thread...

* I think a very flat membership with only 3 levels would be best; Knight Commander, Knights, and Squires. In the event the Knight Commander has schedule conflicts and is unable to fulfill his duties, he should, at that time, appoint a KC pro-tem, to fill his spot until he is able to return. That way, there is no worrying of Seneschal, Marshal, or any other "offices", and we keep as flat of a membership structure as we can. Which, I think is part of the goal for forming this new society?

* In the event that we acquire a larger, more spread out membership, we could form rules for it at that time. Something along the lines of "At least 5 members in a local group", a "Regional KC" for that group (answerable to the Master KC (or relevant traditional term for that position). "Remote" membership outside of the local groups would be fine, but they would not be able to hold a position higher than Knight. That's another bridge for another time.

* For membership time frame for knighting, it should just be a piece of the whole picture; some members may do more in 2 months of membership than others do in 12 months. I think a group vote of Yay/Nay/Neutral could be held among the existing knights for the candidate's readiness.

Sir Matthew:
James, I think you bring up some very good points there. I also think it is pretty much along the lines of what we are all thinking, you just made a better point of it. I agree that we definitely need to set things up so that there is room for us to adapt to changes in geography and membership down the road.

Brian, I understand the symbology of the gold guilded spurs and I suppose I really should get a pair that way, but for whatever reason I personally find silver more appealling. I just don't care for gold or yellow color. Maybe I'm just odd that way, certainly wouldn't be the first time I've been called wierd  ::).

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2010-11-11, 16:04:58 ---I am more partial to Order of Modern Chivalry, as ties into the forums here and I like the name better, but since the domain has been purchased, it's moot now anyway. :)

Sir Edward, if you want help with some of the CSS, HTML or graphics work, let me know and I will see what I can do. Depending on where it's hosted (and the tech available) I may be able to make something to allow each member to have a profile that they can update with pictures, bio, location, etc. ColdFusion/MSSQL is a cakewalk for me, and I have hosting space available with that in place already if you want me to host it (you retain domain name control and ownership, of course).

--- End quote ---

I'm not married to the title, and we can always change it. It just seemed that there was a good consensus forming behind it. I paid for one year on the domain registrations, so it's not like there's a lot of money involved so far either. :) Either way, this will at least get us started and we can work on a website/tools.

I think we're thinking along the same lines for the website here. I'd love to have photos, and a membership roster with heraldry and the like. A voting tool would be very useful, though we can always use the forum's voting capability too (I assume, since I haven't checked it out yet).

Assuming I continue hosting it, my server is running linux and I have mySQL and PHP available on the back-end. I do my coding in Perl. I'm not exactly a CSS guru, and I do most of my HTML in HTML 1.1 or thereabouts (yes, it's evil, I still format pages with tables! But I'm gradually getting better) :)

The hosting costs me nothing on my end. I have a virtual server that I used for all of my websites, and I'm only using about 50% of the available disk and about 4% of the monthly bandwidth for everything else I host.

So I guess we'll just need to decide who's hosting it, and coding it, and what technologies we're using, all as one big decision. I'm willing to hand it off if you'd like to take a stab at it. There are parts I'd like to retain access to, like the bylaws page I'm working on. We can always have some split hosting too if we use different subdomains.

Sir Edward:

BTW, I've added some more starter pages. Right now the membership roster page is just stubbed in with some simplistic info. If I've left anyone out, just chime in here.

I left the "sir" portions as they appear on our forum names, but started everyone listed as Initiates. We'll have to decide how to handle this part. Some of us have been knights for quite some time, but obviously the order itself is starting from scratch. Also some of us know each other better than others... not to mention there aren't any Order knights yet with which to grab three to give you a ceremony until we knight someone. Chicken and the egg, if you will.



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