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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Matthew:
I think that keeping as few official offices as possible would be good at least in the begining. As the order grows, we made need to appoint other persons to assist the Knight Commander in seeing to the affairs of the order, dependant on how big and organized we become. SHOULD we ever become a large organization with multinational members or even just members spread across the eastern US, seeing to the affairs of the order may become too much to expect of one person, is all I'm thinking. I like the idea of the Knight Commander appointing a Senechesal to represent him in his absence, though I also think this should be a case by case appointment. In other words, if the Knight Commander can not make a meeting due to schedule conflict or distance, should we be so spread out, he would appoint someone to represent him at that particular event.

I like the idea of presenting spurs upon Knighting of a member. Maybe I'm crazy here, but I kinda like the silver look, I'm not much of a fan of gold, so when I get my set I think I'll select silver plating. Before I do that though, I have alot of work to get done on my Teutonic theme.

Sir Brian:
It certainly is your choice Matt however I would like to point out that the metal of the spurs is very significant.
Gilded/Gold was for knights only, Silver was for squires and iron was for men-at-arms or sergeants.  ;)

Here is another great source of information about the significance of the spurs.
The Meaning of the Spurs:
The third knight then explains the symbolism of the spurs. He says: " A knights golden spurs symbolize many things, for by placing
the precious metal near his feet, he shows his disdain for worldly things, and his duty to commit no evil that might disgrace his
order. His spurs are sharpened to goad his steed just as a knight should goad the people to virtue, but a virtuous knight should also
make himself feared by the wicked."

Sir Patrick:
I've been combing the net for a picture of the original Marshal arms, but can only find those of the second earl.  I think the extra stuff in the green field in the prior example is just artistic license.  I found this image of the 2nd earl's arms, and it's much more simplistic.  If the arms were inherited, I believe they would have looked like this at the time.

Also, I found this link to useful site on Marshal history.  The entry for 1164 on the "William Marshal Timeline" page really illustrates the kind of man we have chosen to emulate.

I agree that we should keep things fairly flat officer-wise for now as there are just not that many of us.  It's kind of silly for a dozen guys to have eight officers (just making those numbers up BTW).  Obviously as the Order expands (which I hope happens in a well-considered manner), this will need to change.

Sir Edward, excellent start to the webpage.  You are truely talented in web design (as this site can attest).

Loove the idea of spurs :)

Sir Wolf:
so who's making the round table for all of the equal knights to sit around? and where should we store it?

Sir Wolf:
sorry i haven't been on much to help. this is good stuff though!


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