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Creating a society/order?
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-11-10, 16:15:04 ---Here's where I am concerned...I thought the whole point was for all of us to be equals...I figured the KC would embody most of what was mentioned (PR person, treasurer if needed, etc) - and he could of course delegate if others are willing to take on the task at hand...which I don't see as being a problem, we're all here for the advancement of the Order and its ideals, right? A hierarchy would only mirror the SCA and other similar organizations- all of which most of us have had some experience with, positive or otherwise. about we call that one the Seneschal? So we'd have the Knight Commander, his Seneschal and the other Knights of the Order...the flatter it is, the better it'll be, I think. As for how he is appointed, maybe the KC could make that choice since this person would essentially be his backup? I should add, if one of us proves to be a capable and efficient administrator, he may find himself chosen for Seneschal on more than one KC's tenure, even if they've already served as such. Not necessarily a problem for me, but it might be for that gifted admin. lol
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Oh yeah, for other offices, I'm thinking WAY down the line, if there's just more going on than we can reasonably expect one person to do. I'm thinking a lot of other jobs will be completely volunteer rather than assigned as jobs or positions. If someone is an artist, they could draw up a banner or poster or something. I'll probably end up being the webmaster just because I'm already doing that sort of thing, etc.
As for a second in command, here's another idea. Instead of it being an "office" or "position", rather make it more like a temporary deputy. That is, if we need one, we can appoint one for the month. The rest of the time there isn't one.
I agree. The more flat we keep the organization, the better. I really don't want to get bogged down this rules, ranks, titles, positions, etc. But just for practical reasons, we have to consider the options and make sure we write down the rules so everyone's on the same page.
Sir William:
Ok, I feel better now that you've made that clear. A month-to-month deputy who performs duties as needed is one way to go...or, the KC and Seneschal can be voted in at the same time, sorta like Prez and VP but that may be a bit much. I'm good with either way you go.
Sir Ancelyn:
Trust me, layers of offices and positions will bogg us down mand make this more like work than fun. I've been there. *shudders*
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-11-09, 19:47:11 ---Ah and speaking of spying upon another man’s inner thoughts, Sir Edward managed to channel mine with his suggestion:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-09, 15:59:51 ---What would be cool (though expensive) is if we were able to gift the new knight with a set of spurs.
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Gilded of course and if the knight already owns a pair of spurs then we could provide some other appropriate gift of equal value to the spurs. The presenting of such gifts was customary and knightly.
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It looks like we'd be looking at about $60 - $85 per set of spurs from Raymond's Quiet Press ( for gold plated and strapped. That's pretty affordable. If the sponsoring and/or accolade-performing knights chip in, then this is extremely doable. And it's cheaper than the brass ones from Revival ( The gold-plating is the best option anyway since they stay bright and shiny. Brass tarnishes in like a day.
Sir Brian:
Yeah that was the source I was thinking of as well. By the time a member is ready to be knighted we would have a pretty good idea as to what period harness they have developed and could purchase the appropriate type of spurs to coincide.
I am in agreement with the more linear arrangement of positions and responsibilities and in due time it would be cool to see such functions as Marshal of the List, Knight of Ceremonies, etc.
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