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Creating a society/order?
Sir Ulrich:
I'd be willing to join a group as long as it's in the tri state area and not too far away from where I live. I kinda need a "group" to join anyway, this way I'll meet more people at ren faires and forge new friendships ect. I did attempt to start my own group with my friends but it fell apart within a month due to lack of funds and my friends not being all that interested in it. Still think most the people on this site are interested enough for it to go somewhere.
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
As I`ve only just had chance to look through this thread, please forgive my very late input.
Nice job on the charter Sir Ed. ;)
I think that what you are doing is very noble and will almost definitely bring you all together with your common goals and ideals.
Having a level playing field of ranks for members is a fantastic idea, just a plain and simple order of knights.
A probationary period for newer members (squire,candidate) would give them the oportunity to get a reasonable standard of kit together and absorb the ideals of the order, also to see if the group is actually for them. It would also give the other members an oportunity to see if the latest "newbie" is suitable and fits in with the rest of the order.
One thing I would suggest is that you don`t let your new group get too large as this breeds to so many other problems ( I`m sure you have all had experience of "group politics" ::) )
Anyway I would be privilaged if you would cosider it possible for me to be an honorary member??
Awesome stuff! Another vote for Sir Ed as the 1st knight Commander!
I think that the knighting ceremony should have the KC present. I think that he should also have to approve all applicants for knighthood. So even the especially well-connected shall be denied their accursed power-leveling!
And I think for matters of keeping things simple, the KC should have centralized. Really, were not keeping inventory of a warehouse here. Really, for this whole thing you might only need a list of names, rank, email, kit completion and era, additional info as needed.
And there should be a second in command, w/ a cool name, like Knights Captain, or Knights Marshal, Master-at-arms, ect.
This could really take the pressure off the KC to absolutely be at every single thing, and free up alot of breathing space for him.
Sir Edward:
OK, some good ideas here.
Do we feel that a basic probationary period makes sense, and then after that it's largely up to the new member to decide when they feel ready? I'm OK with it going through the KC, mostly as a formality, but also as a potential "veto" if it looks like "power-leveling" so to speak.
Having a second in command isn't a bad idea. How would this person be selected? Appointed by the KC? The runner up in the KC election? I could see this office primarily functioning as a stand-in when the KC isn't present, etc.
If necessary we can create other offices down the line. For instance, if we need to have a treasurer, PR person, or whatever. But we can cross those bridges when we get to them. For the time being, I don't see any money involved for instance.
--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-11-09, 23:08:52 ---One thing I would suggest is that you don`t let your new group get too large as this breeds to so many other problems ( I`m sure you have all had experience of "group politics" ::) )
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That's true, and it's a mistake that a lot of groups can make-- Growing too fast, too soon. I think once our core membership is established, we'll have an opportunity to set a precedent for our way of doing things, and the occasional new member will need to grow into what we've established as such.
--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-11-09, 23:08:52 ---Anyway I would be privilaged if you would cosider it possible for me to be an honorary member??
--- End quote ---
Oh, I think we can work something out. :)
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-10, 15:57:16 ---OK, some good ideas here.
Do we feel that a basic probationary period makes sense, and then after that it's largely up to the new member to decide when they feel ready? I'm OK with it going through the KC, mostly as a formality, but also as a potential "veto" if it looks like "power-leveling" so to speak.
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I'm good with gives the applicant time to feel us out and vice versa...I doubt anyone who approaches won't be of a similar mindset, but maybe their ideation may differ in such a way as to require further consideration, who knows. I'll leave that to the KC to muddle out.
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-10, 15:57:16 ---Having a second in command isn't a bad idea. How would this person be selected? Appointed by the KC? The runner up in the KC election? I could see this office primarily functioning as a stand-in when the KC isn't present, etc.
If necessary we can create other offices down the line. For instance, if we need to have a treasurer, PR person, or whatever. But we can cross those bridges when we get to them. For the time being, I don't see any money involved for instance.
--- End quote ---
Here's where I am concerned...I thought the whole point was for all of us to be equals...I figured the KC would embody most of what was mentioned (PR person, treasurer if needed, etc) - and he could of course delegate if others are willing to take on the task at hand...which I don't see as being a problem, we're all here for the advancement of the Order and its ideals, right? A hierarchy would only mirror the SCA and other similar organizations- all of which most of us have had some experience with, positive or otherwise. about we call that one the Seneschal? So we'd have the Knight Commander, his Seneschal and the other Knights of the Order...the flatter it is, the better it'll be, I think. As for how he is appointed, maybe the KC could make that choice since this person would essentially be his backup? I should add, if one of us proves to be a capable and efficient administrator, he may find himself chosen for Seneschal on more than one KC's tenure, even if they've already served as such. Not necessarily a problem for me, but it might be for that gifted admin. lol
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