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Creating a society/order?
Sir William:
Do we have a final listing of knights? Who's going to knight you, Knight Commander?
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-12, 16:07:19 ---Do we have a final listing of knights? Who's going to knight you, Knight Commander?
--- End quote ---
I think we're waiting to hear if the king of VARF would do it?
Sir Edward:
They're an Elizabethan faire. So they have a Queen, not king. :) I didn't think to ask Kat to ask them about that. But since we'll be writing up our own ceremony and the like, and they're pretty busy with the faire, I'd assumed we would be performing it ourselves.
Sir William:
Too bad we couldn't corral Prince Edward when he was get it done by royalty? DREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
From the hand of the Queen would be most excellent (Faire Queen I mean) but I'm for whatever's clever.
Sir Brian:
Well not to be a stickler for details, but I do not consider an actress who is playing the part of royalty (no matter how well) to be authorized to bestow knighthood upon a person. I consider someone who has been actually knighted by some noble or knight of a legitimate realm, society or order (military or religious) to be the premier qualified person to bestow knighthood upon another. Sir Edward was knighted while part of a now defunct society and by my above criteria qualified to bestow a knighthood upon me. So if you are willing and find me worthy Sir Edward I would humbly ask that you perform the knighting ceremony for me.
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