Main > The Campaign
Creating a society/order?
Sir Edward:
Just an update for everyone, especially those wanting to join. We haven't forgotten you. :)
I'm trying to kick up the discussions in the private area of the forum to get the ball rolling a little faster. It's now been six months since we kicked it all off, according to the join-dates on our roll of arms, which is a bit sobering. :)
We want new members to join, and to get some progress going. But you know, the whole "herding cats" thing always applies in any organization. Stay tuned.
Sir Wolf:
Sir William:
Herding cats? I'd like to see that...I have a hard enough time corralling my ONE little guy! lol
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-05-10, 17:35:02 ---the whole "herding cats" thing
--- End quote ---
I'm the fat white one :D
Sir Edward:
Lots of rules updates in the bylaws!
We're getting closer. We'll get our first few knightings done soon, then we can start inducting new members within the rules.
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