Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-10-31, 15:08:58 ---
First round of pictures of my display are up. I'll be changing some things tonight, so I'll take more. But it's a start:


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Looks awesome!  I wish we had something like this in my neighborhood when I was a kid... well I wish I had something like that now actually, haha!  Great job!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Fantastic costumes Ian.


Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-10-29, 13:11:30 ---Holy crap, that's awesome! Do you make your own latex appliances or did you get it somewhere? Those turned out GREAT!

--- End quote ---

Seconded! That looks like film quality!

I went to the local Halloween parade tonight. I wore my samurai armor. The highlight of the parade was a guy in the parade handing out candy said "Nice, I dig it, but you could have got a falcon."

Best. Parade. Ever. :)

Sir Wolf:

Sir William:
Ian, those costumes look awesome!  For the second one, I'm guessing you were Eli Damaskinos?


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