Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Sir Patrick:
With Halloween fast approaching, I thought I'd take an informal poll.
Do you:
A. Wear a costume.
B. Armour up.
C. None of the above.
I'll be armouring up (though at this stage in my kit's evolution, I armour up only slightly better than a conscripted peasant might have). :'(
Sir Wolf:
usually i don't armour up. although this year i might. i dunno
Sir Edward:
Armor, no. I costume up, but it's relatively an afterthought compared to my display. (http://halloween.necrobones.com/) :)
Sir Patrick:
Now THAT'S a display!
Sir William:
Ed, you really do it up- that's awesome! Usually I don't do anything...sad isn't it? I used to love Halloween...they don't do Halloween parties at my job, I mean...they do, but no one really dresses up they're so stuffy.
Of course, it really is just an excuse to garb up...I did that last year and came to work and my female coworkers loved it (or said so at least) and the other ones thought I was brave. Brave? LOL @ that
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