Main > The Round Table

Rules of Heraldry

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-28, 14:03:59 ---I'm sure there never was a 'Julius' as it were.  Hate my first name.  lol

--- End quote ---

Hate it? I think it's kinda cool. :)

I never used to be that fond of mine. But I've come to appreciate it since it's slightly uncommon today, and it's completely period. That, and when I run into another Ed, I can say "Two Eds are better than one!!" :)

Sir Wolf:
Hail Caesar of the frozen orange beverages! ;) you can smack me for it later.

ya I always hated Charles. esp when used with my middle and last name... that was usually a death warrant from my mother

Sir William:
LMAO yea, I've heard that one...not as much as you'd think.  I guess Orange Julius isn't that popular.  I happen to like both Edward and Charles for names...both were great kings.  The only Julius worth mentioning in antiquity was a power-hungry despot clothed plebe sentiment. 

Sir Patrick:
Paladin:  Knight, quaffer of the Orange Julius! :D

Sir William:
LMAO...I might run w/that one day.


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