Main > The Round Table

Rules of Heraldry

<< < (6/7) > >>

Sir Ancelyn:
I would have to change the spelling of my surname to pass for an English knight. But who cares! :-)

Sir Brian:
Well by happy happenstance my personae name is period as well!
i.e. Brian FitzMatthais FitzGerald.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
so it's Sir Brian illegitimate son Gerald of illegitimate son of Matthais? hehehe jkjk i take it you mean to use the Fitz in the Norman way meaning "son of" and not illegitimate son of as used later

Sir Brian:
Actually yes to both questions!  ;)

The Fitzgerald’s and all the Geraldines of Ireland were all descendants of this Norman noble.,_Lord_of_Lanstephan

Later generations were often named Maurice or Gerald and they were all extremely prolific as well s indiscriminant!  ;)

Sir William:
I'm sure there never was a 'Julius' as it were.  Hate my first name.  lol


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