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Kite shield

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-07, 19:37:10 ---I was set to commission another one but if the Red Knight would be amenable to taking on a commission, I'd much rather give the business to a fellow forum member.
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Now that is high praise!  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to take on other projects right now.  It took me weeks of stealing a few minutes here and there just to finish the shield I have.  Maybe some day.  I noticed from your strapping you're a lefty.  Do you run into trouble finding shields strapped for southpaws?

Sir William:
That is ok...a knight will always require a shield so should you ever get the time, I'll be waiting!  You've adapted Gaffer's suggestions beautifully! 

Anyhow, yes, it is near impossible to find a shield strapped for a southpaw unless I commission one...not a huge deal but every once in a while I'll see one I really want (like the Crusader Shield from Windlass) but of course, its only for orthodox folk.  Its ok...I'm the only one in my right mind, far as I can tell!  lol

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-08, 13:36:31 ---Its ok...I'm the only one in my right mind, far as I can tell!  lol

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That's what my dad always says (he's a leftie too)... "Only left-handed people are in their right minds."

Sir William:
He knows the goods!  ;)


My maternal grandma was a lefty too, but when she was little, they forced her to learn penmanship right-handed; the end result being she had pretty horrendous handwriting (but I never said so)!!!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-08, 19:11:19 ---
My maternal grandma was a lefty too, but when she was little, they forced her to learn penmanship right-handed; the end result being she had pretty horrendous handwriting (but I never said so)!!!

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Yeah, my paternal grandmother was taught to write right-handed as well. In her case, it trained her to be ambidextrous, which was pretty cool. She could write equally well with both hands.


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