Main > The Armoury

Kite shield

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Sir Patrick:
Thank you, Sir Brian!

Sir Ulrich:

--- Quote from: madmanpsu on 2010-10-05, 22:41:29 ---Where do you live at, because I'd be willing to help. I'm going to be making a couple of shields myself and might need a little assistance so maybe we could work out a you help me I help you deal if you aren't too far away.

--- End quote ---
I'm in New Jersey, what kinds of shields are you making?

Sir William:
That's a nice shield, Red Knight.  I use Oakheart Armoury for my shields ([url][\url])...I've gotten 2 from them w/a 3rd one in the works and never paid more than $100, shipping included.  My first shield was a SCA-style, with the 'hose' (whatever the hell that is) around the edges, 36"x24" (LxW) and a padded arm rest with adjustable leather strapping.  Here are a couple of pics, this one cost me $75 all told, painting and all.

And here's a pic of the strapping; they can make it to fit:

My other shield you can see in the Knight Pages.  I was set to commission another one but if the Red Knight would be amenable to taking on a commission, I'd much rather give the business to a fellow forum member.  I especially like Gaffer's plans for shieldmaking, I just don't the time, space or tools for such an endeavour.  Hoping to change that soon, though.

Sir Wolf:
hey thats a nice one. great link too. not bad

Sir Matthew:
I'm going to make two round shields, one with a metal center boss covered in canvas and painted with black Tuetonic crosses, the other with no boss and covered with leather. Eventually I plan to make some other round and square wooden buckler size shields and a wooden Targe. I have some scrap wood laying around that I am planning to use for the later shields but the two I'm planning to make first came from my Grandparents house (one was an old table top that couldn't be repaired, the other was the seat to what was planned to be a stool but never compleated) and this is my way of keeping a bit of them with me in a hobby I enjoy. Are you in Southern or Northern Jersey? Southern Jersey might not be too far to come to work on the project for a day. I'm always interested in trying new things out and since I'm not much of a woodworker, I'm hoping to pick up some tips from the experience.


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