Main > The Armoury

Gutter Arm Questions

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Sir William:
Absolutely and that's all I meant; you can go about it either way, just in retrospect, it would've been better had I gotten it all done at once.  But as you say, there is the cost of it...I know for me it was much more affordable to do it the way I did, piecemeal.

With a suit of armor, it is much like a car- in that you want all of the bodypanels to fit flush, and that's a good deal harder to do when you're putting it together one panel at a time, each panel possibly coming from a different

I'm not complaining, mind just means that for my next endeavour, I'll try my best to do it smarter you know?  Get the full leg instead of greaves, then 6 months later knees, then maybe 6 more months and cuisses, that sort of thing. 

I gotta tell you guys, as a hobby, I've seen least with us, you have tangible evidence that is always gonna turn heads!

Sir Edward:

Oh yes, absolutely. The irony is that I started out getting harnesses all at once. My plate kit, for instance, all came from one source, all at once, originally. Since then, I've added pieces and swapped a few out, and now it's a bit of a frankenstein kit in that regard, but that's what it's taking to make it more comfortable and more complete. Getting it all at once does also carry the risk of having some parts not work out as well as others, and you end up switching them out anyway. :)

Sir William:
Yes, well, there is modding on cars, its fun!


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