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National Historical Swordsmanship Convention 2011

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Sir James A:
I think the hosting is on a linux server. I noticed the lowercase URL works, and the uppercase doesn't - windows hosting usually doesn't have that. Probably a way to fix it in linux (apache?), but I have no idea offhand how to.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-01-24, 03:30:40 ---I think the hosting is on a linux server. I noticed the lowercase URL works, and the uppercase doesn't - windows hosting usually doesn't have that. Probably a way to fix it in linux (apache?), but I have no idea offhand how to.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, this is a hairy issue since URLs are intended to be case sensitive. Windows is technically the one that breaks the rules. Making it case insensitive in any linux/unix hosting is difficult since the filesystem underneath is case sensitive. However, there are workarounds, with rewrite rules in Apache. For instance, if you know all your URLs are supposed to be lower-case, you can rewrite lookups to lower-case all of it. Or, have rewrite rules for specific cases, or create a second directory with all caps that just contains a redirect, etc. Lots of ways to approach it. Just no good way to disable case sensitivity globally in Apache on linux/unix.

I know, more detail than anyone here cares about. :)

Sir William:
Flex that muscular brain, Sir Edward!  All news to me...but I'm thinking good to know.

James Barker:
Darn I wish this was not on the same weekend as MTT. I really want to get more involved with HWMA again.

Das Bill:
Reminder: The preregistration deadline for NHSC is on Tuesday. After Tuesday the price gets bumped up by fifty dollars.


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