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National Historical Swordsmanship Convention 2011

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Sir Ancelyn:
Just finished modifying the shinai with some PVC piping and a cane topper. It looks a little odd, but the 1 1/2 inch PVC is actually proportional to it. Just need to paint the shield and add straps an I'm all set. See you on Friday.

Sword Chick:
I would like to congratulate Bill Grandy and Tom Leoni for putting on a marvelous event.  The three Muirs that were in attendance give it a two thumbs up.  It was a fantastic training weekend.  It had an extended seminar feeling to it with Bill's and Tom's teaching styles dovetailing nicely together and each class expanding upon and reemphasizing the material from each previous class.  Well done, Gentlemen.

Sir Edward:
Indeed! The event was quite successful. I think everyone who attended got quite a bit out of it, and the way the curriculum was structured to have the classes build off of one another helped solidify the material for everyone. The students were very effectively applying it and improvising by the end of the event.

I'm really really tired... but wow, what fun! :)

Sword Chick:
Wheee!!!!! :D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sword Chick on 2011-04-18, 15:23:15 ---Wheee!!!!! :D

--- End quote ---

Jazz hands!


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