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Author Topic: Stronghold Kingdoms  (Read 6968 times)

Sir Edward

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Stronghold Kingdoms
« on: 2010-07-23, 14:21:38 »

Stronghold Kingdoms is a free-to-play castle MMO game coming out soon. They've just started Alpha-4 test, which I managed to get into (haven't tried it yet). If you sign up on their site, the beta will start before long, and you'll have a chance to try it out before they start selling the game. :)

Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Edward

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Re: Stronghold Kingdoms
« Reply #1 on: 2010-07-23, 20:07:44 »

I took a closer look. It looks like the way it works is this... It's free to play, however you can buy tokens to give you access to features that are real handy, like queuing up multiple building construction or research goals, instead of having to log in and do them one by one as each completes.

The graphics are fairly simplistic, and look a lot more like Stronghold 1 than Stronghold 2. It's not truly 3D, as it's all simple sprite animation. The initial download is about 13 MB, and then it downloads less than 100 more the first time you run it.

Gameplay is casual. Buildings take time to build, and armies take time to travel. You can log in, queue a few things up (with purchased "premium" tokens, which apparently have a 1-week duration) or otherwise make a few tweaks and send a few commands, and log out. Or spend more time with it to interact with your neighbors, strategize, etc. Some things can be done quickly, and you can sit and watch/interact while it happens, or come back later if you're initiating something that will take longer.

So I'd call it a very casual MMO game.

Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Edward

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Re: Stronghold Kingdoms
« Reply #2 on: 2010-07-25, 14:14:58 »
After toying with it a bit, I think they went with very simple graphics for a good reason. I suspect it'll be free to download as well as free to play. They'll make money off of micro-transactions when people pay to use premium features and get random "cards" that boost resource production temporarily, etc.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Re: Stronghold Kingdoms
« Reply #3 on: 2010-08-13, 18:53:41 »
sent in my email. we'll see what comes of it