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Book Reports: Erec and Enide
Sir William:
Well, I just got the complete romance works of Troyes so I hope to share in the conversation at that time...right now, I have no idea what you're going on about. :)
Sir Wolf:
ooo spoilers! heheheh good luck
Sir William:
Is it me or are these sort of difficult to get through? I'm just finishing the Knight of the Lion, having read Erec and Enide, Cliges and the Knight of the Cart- its almost dreadful they're so chivalrous. I wonder if people really behaved like that or just aspired to...probably the latter.
It was sacchariny! I know, not a word...but you get what I mean. I keep picking up other books to avoid continuing in this one...
Sir Edward:
Yeah, you're further along than I am. I'm about half-way through the Knight in the Cart. I read a few pages, and then don't come back for a week or two. I'm really really bad about continuing books.
But you're right, it's hard to get through. I skipped Cliges after pages and pages of lamentation. Ugh, I had enough.
In terms of how realistic it is, I'd say it's about as real as Hollywood is today. Some of it is meant to be believable, but it's full of inaccuracies, and idealized, and meant to hearken back to the near past (to them), the way we might glorify parts of WWII or something.
Sir William:
There are people who glorify WWII? I guess I get it...its only within the last two years that I finally got the idea that maybe the Crusades wasn't all about knights in gleaming hauberks taking back the beloved Holy Land from the bedeviled Infidels...or rather, I should say that I came to the realization that it was much more gruesome, much more bloody and lot less chivalrous and high-handed than my initial understanding. too can be considered a double edged sword, at least to the idealist at heart. Guess I'm awake now!
Lancelot wasn't as bad as Cliges...that was probably the least liked story I've ever read...I'm quite certain I'll never read it again. I'm looking forward to Percival just to finish the book.
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