Main > The Armoury

Excellent leather craftsman

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Sir Brian:
I'm not sure if anyone checked out this vendor at VARF or not but I found the quality of his work excellent. I recommend we add his web site to our links listing.

One particular product he had in which I put in a custom order for was his wide kilt belt. It offers a double buckle and numerous innovative straps, hooks and clips for attaching various weapon/mug frogs and pouches WITHOUT having to undo the belt to attach or remove them!
~ Sort of a medieval utility belt!  :D

I believe that was the vendor you and I were looking for wasn't it? He had left for a few days and was going to return at a later date.

Sir Brian:
Yes that was him. I was able to catch him the last two weekends at VARF. I was able to resist purchasing a kilt belt the first time but succumbed on the last day of the fair!  :D

Sir Wolf:
weakness hahahaha ;)

Sir Brian:
Get behind me Satan!  ;)


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