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The "real" Robin Hood on the History Channel

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---I'm just nitpicking. Honestly, the clothing looks better than most historical movies, so I don't really care that much. I just hope it isn't boring.
--- End quote ---

lol, I guess I should revise that to state:

--- Quote ---It looks like he got the arms and armor right for the period (according to Hollywood!)
--- End quote ---

Das Bill:
Saw the movie last night. Forget all the historical accuracy issues, and the fact that the arms and armor was from several different centuries, and forget the changes to the Robin Hood plot. I can get over that stuff.

I didn't care for the movie for a much worse reason: It was BORING.

That was my same issue with Kingdom of Heaven (though I'll say that one was worse than Robin Hood). I just didn't care about the vast majority of the characters, or their plight, or anything else. Its just very bland story telling.

Sir Wolf:
i saw what appeared to be a D Day landing on Dover beach with Higgins boats with oars in 1 commercial. really?  i love the CNN/Wash Post/etc etc comparing Robin Hood with a Tea Party member of anti tax/ anti big government instead of their socialist taking from rich and giving to poor hehehe.  I'll prob see it on DVD.  though it does make me want to do a RH for faire.  can one carry a bow to any of the fairs?

I know that a bow is permissable here at Carolina sir wolf. Usually the arrows have to be tied down in the quiver. I suppose they don't want it to be possible to draw one out and stick it through the forehead of some idiot who desperately needs it.... ;)

Sir Edward:

From what I've seen, most faires will allow a bow if it's unstrung and you don't carry arrows.


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