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The "real" Robin Hood on the History Channel

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Sir Brian:
Anyone catch the history channel last night when they showed Ridley Scott's in Search of the Real Robin Hood? It was a two hour show with lots of plugs for the movie of course but also had some sections with Mike Loades giving some presentations of the arms and armor of the times that was pretty good. I definately want to see the movie as well...Gladiator in the Forest!  :D

Sir Edward:

No, I didn't know it was on. Sounds pretty cool.

I plan to see the movie for sure. I hope they did a good job with it. :)

Sir Brian:
Although the Robin Hood literary character is suppose to be a folklore construct of several possibly real people, it looks like Ridley Scott made an earnest effort to portray Richard and John Plantagenet as historically accurate as possible. It looks like he got the arms and armor right for the period which of course is ALWAYS a good sign!  ;)

Sir Wolf:
i have it on tivo. maybe i'll get to watch it tonight with Logan

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-05-12, 16:18:41 --- It looks like he got the arms and armor right for the period which of course is ALWAYS a good sign!  ;)

--- End quote ---

Well, except that 15th c. inspired sallet that Cate Blanchett wears... and the odd looking sword Robin carries... and the non hisorical boots people are wearing... and the pants... and... ;)

I'm just nitpicking. Honestly, the clothing looks better than most historical movies, so I don't really care that much. I just hope it isn't boring. :)


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