Main > The Library

since this is a library forum

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Sir Wolf:
anyone have an actual library set up in their home? pictures? plans to do so in the future?

Sir Brian:
My "library" consists of the top shelf in our walk-in closet which is rapidly shrinking due to my wife's and my own expanding renfaire garb!  ;)

Sir Edward:

I have books scattered around the house, most of which are in a bookcase or the "library stand" that looks more like a podium. So not really a "library" as such.

My wife and I have a library which goes throughout the house. You can't go into a room without shelves of reference, text, or fantasy and/ or suspense novels....with the occasional Calvin & Hobbes thrown in.... ;)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Much to the wifes displeasure I have far too many medieval themed books, most of which I might add are from second hand book shops  :D


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