Main > The Campaign

RenFaire dates - 2010

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Silvanus on 2010-10-21, 21:00:07 ---Thanks, Paladin.

I do agree that the Crusades were filled with atrocities and unspeakable suffering, done by knights as well as vagabonds. King Richard himself was a butcher. But the notion that the very idea of reclaiming the Holy Land was a criminal enterprise, that is what I have a problem with. People never seemed to have heard of the Muslim Conquest. Or do they believe that the entire Middle East, All of North Africa, and even parts of Eastern Europe were always Muslim?

--- End quote ---

Oh but didn't you know, they're the new disenfranchised so its cool to back them.  *rolling eyes*

I know everyone has a part to play in this thing called Life but some people...need direction.

Sir Edward:

Well, the weather looks great for Sunday so far!

Sir William:
Perfect weather for donning I have a decision to I go as a Templar (which I have done for the last 3 seasons at least, Crusader or Templar) or as an unheralded knight, in a parti-coloured blue/black surcoat?  The only downside to that is there's no shield to match, but I think the armor would look better with it.  I don't know, what do you knights think?

Sir Edward:
Entirely up to you! You could still bring your crusader shield; I don't think anyone would complain. Frequently the shield and surcoat didn't match. And technically, to be a proper Templar shield, it should be a black chief over white without a cross anyway. :)

Like this:

Sir William: Templars didn't carry shields w/crosses on them?  I've seen that before...but never understood its meaning.


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