I only went on Sunday so that's when my pics are coming from. Enjoy, fellow Knights! Naturally, if you have other or better ones, please post them!
3 Chevaliers of Modern Chivalry and 1 Winsome Lass:

Being a huge Star Wars fan, I couldn't pass up this photo op:

I have always had a hard time saying 'No' to a fair maiden, but to two? I merely smile and acquiesce. lol

My wife likes to take candid shots but Sir Brian was too wily to be taken unawares:

I had a great time w/you guys- I know for my part I would've enjoyed more time but there's always next year and I've learned that there is value to scheduling your priorities in such a way as to not interfere w/that which you really love so, I'll be around more next year as it happens.
I also have to figure out a way to dress myself...anyone have any ideas? I also wish someone would've told me my helm was off-center. lol