Main > The Great Hall

My introduction

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Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the boards! Hope we will have the chance to meet in person someday!
Perhaps at GLMF next summer?  :)

Sir Samuel:
I would have to see about the GLMF it occurrs during the summer time when we are holding our Knights Tournements at the Castle. Odly enough though we really arent having a tournement. Its more like a mini Ren-fair, with many from the OHRF coming to help out doing our own sword/comedy, music, etc.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Good day Sir Samuel, great to greet you  ;)

Sir Samuel:
As I am Pleased to meet all of you gentlemen, I will do my very best to get to know each one of you and maybe perhaps one day you all may visit me and out organization here at Chateau La Roche

Sir William:
So this is YOUR castle...I can't even think of anything medieval that borders on 'totally awesome' so I'll just go with that.


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