Main > The Great Hall

My introduction

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Sir Samuel:
Greetings Bretheren,

I am Sir Samuel, Knight of the Golden Trail, Owners of The Historic Loveland Castle. AKA Chateau LaRoche. Our website can be found at

I grew up at this castle located in Loveland Ohio, learning the ways of a knight by the tutoring of our founder Noble Sire Sir Harry D. Andrews. A Noble Knight of France, So Dubbed after his heroic acts and furthur education During WWI. and after. It was his desire to bring forth the ideas of knights of old to his Sunday School group and Scout troup he taught over the years. He began this Organization in 1927, and the Castle in 1929. It is now my generation of Knights that are to carry on his dream. It is Gods Will and I will follow it to the end of my days.

Sir Edward:

Greetings, and welcome!

I'm envious, I'd love to have a castle. :) I didn't see any gallery photos on the website; I'd love to see how it all looks and live vicariously through the photo gallery! :)

Sir Matthew:
Welcome to the boards!

Sir Wolf:
hey i think i went to a viking event at your castle. welcome

Sir Samuel:
That may be very possible. We have had many groups stay at the Castle over the years. And I must opologize we seem to have an issue with the officer in charge of the website keeping the photos online in the galleries. We are currently working on newer galleries with the many events we have done over this  past year. I can only hope He gets it up soon. Till then I have many photos if you care to see any. Just let me know. Your humble servant.


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