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Knighthood (youtube)

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Sir Edward:

I like this pictorial tribute to knights and chivalry. I had thought about doing something like this. Finding this particular video kinda kicked me in the pants to make the promotional montage for the forum.

I'd have relied less on the high fantasy images, and used some more natural zooms (rather than zooming towards the character's stomach, etc), but I like what they did with it overall.

Sir James A:
The paladin image with the claymore is from Diablo ][

Sir Wolf:
i love that game. i cant wait till 3 comes out

Sir William:
I used to love that game...but I dunno if top-down view's gonna cut it anymore.  Still...all we can do is wait a little longer and see...its only what, 12 years in the making?  lol

Sir Edward:

Ten actually, as it came out in 2000. Wow, has it been that long already? At least it's not vaporware, like Duke Nukem Forever, which is around 13 and a half already. They finally closed up shop, but supposedly someone else may have picked up the rights to continue development. It's insane.


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