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Living The Life Of The 'American Jouster'

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Sir Edward:

Sir Brian:
Excellent find!

Sir William:
Just saw this....good stuff, I'd love to get into jousting.  Wonder how heavy these guys are w/out armor if they are weighing in the vicinity of 350lbs in full armor!

I had a guy tell me, couple of years ago at MDRF that his son's harness weighed 90lbs, that his hauberk alone weighed 50lbs; I saw no reason to disabuse him of that notion as I was not in the mood for argument.  What did I know?  Maybe it WAS true but if that were so, it was a kit I'd never want.  lol

Sir Edward:

Oh, it's quite possible. My first hauberk was 40 pounds in weight, because it's 3/8" ID 14ga galvanized steel butt links. If it were made for someone bigger, or designed to hang longer, it could certainly reach 50. But you're right, you really don't want that. No one knew any better 10+ years ago, but now there's not as much excuse. :)

The jousting harnesses can justifiably be quite heavy, since the the horse carries the weight for you. :) I think most of them tend to be in the 70 to 100 range, including the helm.

My plate harness is currently about 75 with the helm and gauntlets I added recently, and it's not complete (I still need greaves and sabatons, and I need to get my mail standard put together).

Sir William:
No way, its that heavy?  You know, I'd read somewhere that authentic armor wasn't necessarily as heavy as we think it might've been...if the steel was forged as opposed to just dished, doesn't the heat treat make it stronger so you could get away with a lighter setup?

Need to dig around, see if I can find where I read that.


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