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Research help for info on 14th cen helm.

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Naythan on 2017-01-23, 01:19:18 ---I have a question for you Ian. With this style of bascinet, would knights carry the visor on their side while wearing a great helm, or would they simply not wear a greathelm at all and only have the bascinet with visor. Or would some knights not enter the battlefield at all on horseback and choose to only wear the klapvisor if entering the field on foot.

--- End quote ---

Nate, you would not wear a Great Helm with a klappvisor style.  The bascinet replaced the need for a Great Helm. It was the all in one helm. They did early on (early 14th century) wear a GreatHelm over a bascinet but that was before they added the visor attachments for facial protection that could be easily removed or lifted for better visibility, breathing, etc.  GreatHelm just got worn for tournaments until it faded out as a style of the time.  It was easier to fight in bascinet no matter if on foot or mounted because you had better forward visibility in a fight with a liftable visor.


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