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                -- Marcel Post (1871 - 1922)

Author Topic: "Appreciation of thrusts/stabs in recreational swordsmanship" by Matt Easton  (Read 11501 times)


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A good point on the taking of thrusts from Matt of Schola Gladiatoria. I know many of us have complained about this visa vie the taking of thrusts. OK, maybe just me but still. A good video to watch.


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Joshua Santana

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Great points are made here and I find myself agreeing with Matt Easton.  I recall a time when I was down in Virginia for VAF Swordsmanship event in 2012 I used a Montante Trainer and I was able to perform well controlled cuts, my better attacks were thrusts.  Even when longsword bouting with a fellow classmate from SIGMA (now on hiatus) I was able to use Speaking Window at one point in time and used little to almost no cuts. 
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.