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Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir Martyn on 2016-02-07, 20:10:23 ---I have it (XB1) and have to say while there are differences from the old Pandemic BF1 and 2 it's pretty cool, the art/settings are just amazing and we all enjoy it, including my daughters.  Would welcome jumping on there with a forum group 😀

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If you're playing it on XB1, can we play together if I'm on a PS4?

Sir Ulrich:
I got it on PS4 but I dun got playstation plus to play it online. Might have to get that but eh too lazy to...

Sir Wolf:
hah grandma santa got us the same package.

i dont play it but my kids do. i don't hook them up to online so they fight each other or whatever.

can't be of any help here. only thing i have played is the 4 player monopoly pack we got.

Sir Nate:
Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Naythan on 2016-02-15, 17:04:12 ---Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.

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Agreed.  I'm level 24 (nearly 25) now and I'm just starting to "get it".  Slow learner, I know.

I'm loving the "walker assault" battles currently.  Anytime I get to pilot an AT-ST and eliminate rebel scum makes me feel happy inside. ;)

My gamer tag is, not surprisingly, Lord_Rodney_777 although I haven't figured out the headset, friends, or joining party thing yet. 


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