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Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?

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Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Naythan on 2016-02-15, 17:04:12 ---Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.

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I blame EA. ;) I doubt they'll add Clone Wars era into the current game. It'll come out next year as a standalone sequel.

Heh, I'm joking about that, but watch it end up being true.

Sir Martyn:
I don't think xb1 and PS4 can cross play :( the whole in game vs party chat - for xb1 anyway, is still cumbersome

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir Rodney on 2016-02-15, 18:29:56 ---... although I haven't figured out the headset, friends, or joining party thing yet.

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I had my 5th grade son teach me how to do it this week.   ::)

The best I've been able to do is 17 kills in a mission.  Who are these people racking up 30 - 40 kills in one mission?!  I can only play 60 minutes before I'm a nervous wreck.   :o

Sir Rodney:
Still going strong on this one.   ::)

I've figured out that I'm a sniper who can camp out well and pick off people that aren't paying attention.

A "run 'n gun" guy I'm not.  I'm able to hold my own, dying as many times as I take people out, but that's about it.   :o

Old guys are made for sniping it seems...

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Rodney on 2016-08-01, 03:23:46 ---Still going strong on this one.   ::)

I've figured out that I'm a sniper who can camp out well and pick off people that aren't paying attention.

A "run 'n gun" guy I'm not.  I'm able to hold my own, dying as many times as I take people out, but that's about it.   :o

Old guys are made for sniping it seems...

--- End quote ---

I'm more of shoot the people with my giant machine gun at the glowing point place kind of guy myself.


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