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Author Topic: "Armour of the English Knight: 1400 - 1450" by Tobias Capwell  (Read 16518 times)


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I just received my copy of "Armour of the English Knight: 1400 - 1450" by Tobias Capwell. So far, I'm blown away by wonderful it is. Great info, amazing illustrations, and rich visuals, especially of funerary effigies make for a compelling addition to any modern Knight's library.  I was curious if anyone else had seen it and what your thoughts were. Sir Ian, is "Tobias Capwell" your pen name?

W. Edward Graf von Ettendorf-ReBrook, GOTJ


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Ha, I wish.

It's absolutely one of the best books on armor to come out in recent history.  It's obviously a very niche book, being specific to England and the first half of the 15th century, but it just happens to be one of my niches, so that's just fine by me.  There is talk of him doing a 1450-1500 and then a 3rd volume on continental armors as well.  Not only is the research fantastic in the book, but having sketches by Jeff Wasson and Robert MacPherson to illustrate the concepts of construction just take the book to the next level.  It's a must-own for any late medieval armor enthusiast.
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Sir William

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Ha, we all wish.  He's a beast, is Dr. Capwell.  His black jousting harness...think I've had to replace a number of keyboards due to droolage issues.
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It's on my "someday buy" list.
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Sir James A

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The Wasson and MacPherson sketches are very nice.
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Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Sir Wolf

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very cool. i dont have it yet.

that being said english sources are really hard to come by so if he has them all listed sweet!

Joshua Santana

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A book to add on my Chivalric Library Wishlist lol
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Sir Rodney

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It makes a nice Christmas request!   ;)
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