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Albion Scabbards

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Another alternative if you want a custom scabbard with a particular attention to historical design, consider Tod's Stuff in the UK.  He also has a long list of Albions for which he can make scabbards without you sending him your sword.

Sir James A:
Fletcher, DBK, and Tod's Stuff are listed on the Albion site. Those people make scabbards for Albion but Albion doesn't make or sell them. Buck Bates is also listed on there as making scabbards, but he doesn't take orders. It an "off-the-shelf, if it's there" possibility.

So there aren't "Albion" brand scabbards; what you get are scabbards by different makers that will fit an Albion sword.

Jon Blair:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2015-11-23, 00:50:16 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2015-11-21, 15:11:47 ---just like a gun.

you pay 1000 for one, then are you gonna put a 100 scope on it or a 1000 scope?  put it in a 5$ canvas bag or a 100$ suitcase

--- End quote ---

Are you mocking my $100 scope? :P

--- End quote ---
That's what I have on mine.


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