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Albion Scabbards

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So what gives with the $700.00 Albion scabbards? I've never owned an Albion sword before, but I'm awaiting delivery of the Chevalier and the Agincourt. I'm sure they'll be awesome, as I've heard nothing but great things about Albion, and for the $ I'm spending on them, they damn well better be. But the already high cost doesn't even include a scabbard. So what makes their $700 scabbards worth $700?

I've never seen anyone actually buy a scabbard from Albion before...  But high end scabbards do cost about that much, depending on what you get on them.  A nice, highly decorated period scabbard requires several skilled crafts to complete, sometimes woodwork, leatherwork and metalwork (and not apprentice level in any of those disciplines).  If all one is after is a simple leather sheath for a sword, then you don't have to worry about those high prices, but for a wood-core scabbard, hand stitched leather overwrap with fine carving and decorative brass or precious metal work (and then again for the belt), expect to pay similar prices to the sword itself.

Sir James A:
Multiple people make scabbards for Albions. They are worth the price, and are a great example of the "you get what you pay for". Historical documents have shown scabbards that were more expensive than the swords.

Sir Brian:
Apply the same principle if you purchased a very expensive car. You would rather keep it parked in a nice climate controlled garage instead of just under a simple tent carport you picked up at Costco for $150 dollars.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
just like a gun.

you pay 1000 for one, then are you gonna put a 100 scope on it or a 1000 scope?  put it in a 5$ canvas bag or a 100$ suitcase


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