Main > The Armoury

Arming Garments?

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-10-22, 20:07:54 ---If it isn't fun, you're doing it wrong.  ;)

--- End quote ---


Matuls and

Sir William:
There is one thing I will add- as far as custom garments go, its going to be bit of a crap shoot unless you're on hand to do multiple fittings and measurements as the job progresses; if your seamstress is not near you then this could slow things down.  Sir Ian made his own and documented a pretty thorough process on how he did it- if I wasn't so lazy, I'd jump for it.  Instead, I chose to throw money at someone else to do it for me- and it fits perfectly, but is only partially historic- no grand assiete sleeves, and cast steel buttons.  But it does fit very well, and I was more or less surprised by that.

I've used forgeofsvan for a couple of gambesons; they make for good wearing under harness and they do a good job with fitment but so far as I can tell, it isn't made to be historically accurate, more plausible than anything.  It all depends on how much it means to you.  I'd not go with them at the moment, it seems others are having trouble getting in contact with them.  That was never my experience but times and people change.


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