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Author Topic: The Last Witch Hunter, a review.  (Read 10466 times)


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The Last Witch Hunter, a review.
« on: 2015-11-05, 01:54:10 »
The Last Witch Hunter was a lot of fun and I thoroughly recommend yo go see it. Vin's love of the piece shines through. A better Dungeons & Dragons film than the AD&D film.

Now to the theory: OK, so the movie was written in part by Vin Diesels friend who gamed with him and based the movie on one of Vin's old AD&D PC's. My wife having watched the film thinks this: The witch hunter himself, Kaulder, is a Litch.

« Last Edit: 2015-11-06, 20:47:26 by Thorsteinn »
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Sir Nate

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Re: The Last Witch Hunter
« Reply #1 on: 2015-11-05, 16:41:55 »
I want to see it.
There are a lot "The Last" medieval things.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: The Last Witch Hunter
« Reply #2 on: 2015-11-05, 23:38:54 »
I want to see it.
There are a lot "The Last" medieval things.

It's not medieval, it's mostly modern day as Kaulder is like 800+ years old in the film.
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Re: The Last Witch Hunter, a review.
« Reply #3 on: 2015-11-06, 20:49:14 »
So why my wife thinks Kaulder is a Lich.

He get's the curse from the Witch Queen and we find that it's really her immortality that she stored in him when he hurt her really badly. Around then in the film we find out that if you destroy her heart you kill her and him if he still has the curse. At the end he kills her again, get;s cursed again, and her heart survives again as he decides to not destroy it and meet his family in paradise as there are meaner and nastier things waiting for him to die and a hot witch wanting to be his protege'/lover (honestly a great decision).

So therefore he has eternal life, can survive any wound, and his only vulnerability is an outside vessel. He has magic, incredible knowledge, wealth, a cause, great fighting skill, and.... a phylactery.

She thinks he's a Lich.
Fall down seven, get up eight.