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PARF 2015

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Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-10-07, 14:35:50 ---Sir Douglas...where are those pics?  ;)

--- End quote ---

You know, I have been completely lazy with pics this year. But here are....two! :P I think this was from the opening week of PARF.

Sir James A:
Looks awesome! I like the painted helmet too.

Sir Edward:

Man, nice pictures! Your kit is looking fantastic. I love the Ailettes, BTW. I've been planning on re-doing mine and make them large like that, as often seen in the manuscript imagery.

Sir Nate:

Great kit Doug!

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2015-10-19, 14:29:12 ---
Man, nice pictures! Your kit is looking fantastic. I love the Ailettes, BTW. I've been planning on re-doing mine and make them large like that, as often seen in the manuscript imagery.

--- End quote ---
I have noticed your Ailettes to seem to be a bit on the small side. Maybe I could commission my friend Sam Petterson to make you a pair. Besides your birthday is what, January?

Isn't their some dispute as to what ailettes were used for?


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