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Author Topic: Deleted my Facebook  (Read 14643 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Deleted my Facebook
« on: 2015-07-04, 04:56:13 »
Too much stress than it's worth. If you guys want to contact me you do it via Skype or Steam. I'm fed up with Facebook and miss using forums. I'm tired of people deleting me or disapproving me cause of my views on issues. I'm tired of seeing other peoples views on politics and people hating each other based on views on crap like gay marriage and abortion. When both parties arent gonna have a gay marriage or abortion, seriously whats the point of arguing it? It's only going to make both parties hate each other over stupid stuff that shouldnt even matter. My family disagrees with almost all my views and to be frank that was the final straw. I'm done with it, it's superficial and dumb. Social media is more trouble than it's worth for me. I'd rather use forums and keep a friendly atmosphere and not have people hate me over my views on politics. I feel no need to share mine on forums and most forums I go to apart from political ones dont have this either. If people can keep me updated on DoK outside of Facebook I would like that, I have no reason to stay there other than DoK. I dont want to anger anyone there or have awkward moments because they dislike me over my views or I dislike one of their views. My dad always told me religion and politics are 2 horrid subjects to talk to people about and on Facebook it seems thats all anyone talks about... So I'm done with Facebook. I'm always logged into Skype on either my Mobile Ipod or my laptop so if you guys do the meetings I'm still willing to participate.


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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #1 on: 2015-07-04, 20:56:46 »
Shawn, a realistic alternative for a lot of people in your position is to make a facebook account specifically for re-enacting.  You can make a profile based on your persona instead of you.  This will allow you to avoid the family drama and people you don't want to deal with and still keep up on groups like Days of Knights, because frankly there is no other way to stay up to date with certain re-enactment events without utilizing facebook.  Just make sure you control very carefully who you friend, and then the drama will disappear.  I'm a mod for the DoK group so I can easily approve your new account if you choose to go that way.
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #2 on: 2015-07-05, 05:39:08 »
I think I am going to do that then. I really wish to avoid my family drama and just do reenacting and stay close to my friends there. Honestly my family is the last thing I wanna deal with right now apart from my dad my mom and brother. Pretty much they all hate me or at least I get the vibe. I dont want them seeing what I do or anything. Now to make a new email so I can make a new account and go there instead of having all these people I dun want to deal with on my facebook. Theres parts of me I dont wish to reveal to them and to be frank i'm tired of constantly hiding who I am in front of them. Prolly just gonna use my mother's maden name too for the last name so they dont add me or find me.

Lord Dane

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #3 on: 2015-07-05, 13:29:58 »
Shawn, a realistic alternative for a lot of people in your position is to make a facebook account specifically for re-enacting.  You can make a profile based on your persona instead of you.  This will allow you to avoid the family drama and people you don't want to deal with and still keep up on groups like Days of Knights, because frankly there is no other way to stay up to date with certain re-enactment events without utilizing facebook.  Just make sure you control very carefully who you friend, and then the drama will disappear.  I'm a mod for the DoK group so I can easily approve your new account if you choose to go that way.

Sir Ian nailed that one of the head. That's what I do. :) Sound advice.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-07, 21:04:16 by Lord Dane »
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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #4 on: 2015-07-05, 18:27:24 »
Instead of deleting my Facebook I just deleted, or was deleted by, the people that caused me drama. Some family (my mother), some not (a high school friend turned to addiction).

Also I just stepped back from a lot of it really. I didn't realized how much Stupid High School Bull Sh^te that some stuff & groups bring till I stepped back & found the online & IRL drama dropped precipitously.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-06, 04:33:09 by Thorsteinn »
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #5 on: 2015-07-06, 03:41:50 »
I see a lot of drama on FB as well, but I count myself lucky as my family is devoid of drama.  I’m in the weird group that hasn’t seen the need (yet) of separating my medieval and Marshal activities from the mundane.

I joined FB years ago for my 20th high school reunion, thus most of my friends are just that, people that I grew up with.  Friends from the SCA and Order of the Marshal round out FB for me.  I have things clamped down very tight as to who can view what.

I’ve only “blocked” (I think that’s the right term) one person rather than “un-friending” him.  I just didn’t want to see the copious amounts inappropriate material he was posting.

The key in this information age, or any age for that matter, is to only post things that you would want your mother/spouse/partner to read.    ;)
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Mike W.

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #6 on: 2015-07-06, 17:09:19 »
I deleted facebook from my phone and as a result I've checked it a lot less and have been a lot happier. I realized a needed a break when, shortly after the Supreme Court's ruling, facebook lit up like a battlefield and everyone was at odds. It did nothing but stir up negative feelings, so I tried to stay off until things settled down again. It's good that you can recognize and remove the things that cause you stress. Kudos to you!!
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Sir Wolf

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Sir William

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #8 on: 2015-07-08, 15:33:51 »
I've never used FB- and while it does mean that I miss out on things from time to time, I also do not have to contend with drama in any of its many forms on FB, and social media in general.  Sir Ian (and Squire Dane as well) have the right of it I'd say.

Snow Job?  That your new FB name, Sir Wolf?  Sort of reminds me of OddJob.  lol
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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #9 on: 2015-07-08, 19:07:02 »

Yeah, I've cut back on my use of Facebook considerably. I used to watch it like a hawk, and stayed up to date on everything I could. Then about a year and a half ago, I got distracted by the holidays and lost track of it for a couple of weeks... then discovered I didn't miss it.

Every time I jump back on, there's some new political, religious, or current events issue going on that has everyone throwing stones. So I use it very sparingly now.

(as an aside, it took me more than a year to run out of content to post to the Order's FB page)

I think Ian's suggestion of a persona-only account is great. Either that or very tightly control who you're friended with.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #10 on: 2015-07-10, 03:28:20 »
Eh, 99% of the time I hide / ignore political stuff. 75% of my news feed is swords, armor, or something medieval. The rest is family, cats, philosophical pictures, or just funny stuff. If someone or a group of people proves problematic, address it, unfriend them, or hide their posts. I don't have to care or agree with what someone's political stance on whatever the hot topic of the week/month is to say "OMG nice armor/sword!".
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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #11 on: 2015-07-14, 18:42:48 »
I can't really fault you for deleting your Facebook account. FB has become a place full of spite and drama. People make Facebook seem a lot more serious that it actually is, which is a little sad. Thankfully, you can fine tune your settings to avoid those that annoy you.
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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #12 on: 2015-07-14, 21:30:50 »
Most of my friends have the same views as I do. And those that don't, we can have very heated discussion (with some name calling at times) but then agree to disagree. I make it a point to not friend people i don't want knowing my business (like people at work)

I have deleted people for things I find offensive. Hell, *I* can be offensive. I've mostly blocked people from my feed that I did not want to unfriend because I was tired of hearing about their effing cat or how great their run was that day... The self aggrandizing (LOOK AT ME!!!) on FB is what bugs me more than anything. Did something you're proud of? Awesome! Post away. Hearing EVERY DAY that you ran 4 miles or your cat did that cute thing for the 718th time... Sorry that's just pathetically fishing for compliments.
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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #13 on: 2015-07-23, 17:38:10 »

I know what you mean. I blocked a friend a while back when he was posting reviews of every restaurant and business he went to. When this starting including the local McDonald's, for example, I was pretty much done. :)

I mean, of course the whole point is to share what's going on in your life. But it gets tiresome when the person posts nothing of interest to you, because it's the same thing over and over.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Deleted my Facebook
« Reply #14 on: 2015-07-24, 19:03:21 »
is that why you never talk to me anymore? you blocked me Ed? lolol jkjk