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12th century kit revamped

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Sir Ulrich:
So I been looking around and deciding I may do a 12th century kit, like my original plan but back in 2012 it was rushed, I cut corners and overall my attempt was crappy. Some might say it was OK but according to my high standards it wasn't. Maybe I am being overly self critical but I have a tendency to do that. In any case now that I have a proper hauberk with integrated mittens I am satisfied with, I can now pull this off.
I am planning on using that flat topped helm I bought in the meantime I wait for Doug David to make me one of his helms which may take a while considering he's a busy guy. I am not sure what to do surcoat wise, some pics of 12th century stuff I notice they dont have ANY surcoats, that leaves a bit of a problem for me, cause I usually blouse my maille with a modern belt to cheat the weight, I have a few belts that look period but I think they're too thick to really tighten the proper way. Not sure where to get a decent belt as all the places I look are Viking, 14th, and 15th century belts which annoys me mildly. Seems most places ignore the centuries between 1066-1300 for small things like that.

I already have a decent 12th century sword, the Albion Reeve, which I wouldnt doubt would of been used in that century. Old swords were passed down and while I doubt type X's were used when plate armor came out, but during the age of maille I bet they were used.

I can skip the chausses due to this murder of Thomas Becket picture I notice one of the knights is lacking them, the other one has those tie in the back ones, which I can reopen my old ones and use those instead as I have 2 pairs now that I got that new maille.

The only issue I really have is the shield, I have a proper 12th century shield, that Merc Tailor early heater, but I got a Teutonic cross painted on it, The Teutonic Order didnt exist until the 1190 and I'm trying to do 1180s so I dont think the black cross over white is going to go well for my kit. Not sure of anyone else who does those kinds of shields, everywhere I check either does kite shields, round viking shields, heaters or bucklers. I almost NEVER see early heaters, or flat topped kite shields. I also had a lot of trouble finding the proper helm to do 12th, seems it's not really the most popular century to reenact, or at least finding stuff for early 13th late 12th is hard.

Also my sword scabbard is fine, they did have black leather in the late 12th, in period art. And I doubt the blacks artistic license to depict brown, because I found brown leather in the same art. While black cloth was rare and only common among the clergy I believe black leather was actually common and used. I believe it's a reenactorism to not use it due to many people's disdain for MRL. Joe Metz himself uses a black leather scabbard thats decorated with a dark red belt, and it looks plenty period.

In any case i'm looking for advice on how to start this, I think I got 90% of what I need but the belt and MAYBE the shield. Also I may use a different coif, I have that one I can modify and make into a square avantailed coif with a ventail, just need to add a lining to it so it doesnt pull my hair and is comfortable against me. Besides in the murder of Thomas Becket, it seems the 2 knights have lined coifs with leather on the edging which I look to replicate.

Sir William:
For the shield: - they do blanks or full-on shield builds, your choice.  My last shield cost me $140, shipping included- you've seen it already.  Great job and not too expensive if you don't have time or talent to make one yourself (like me).

I'm really liking the full hauberk you got; you're well on your way to having an excellent 12th C impression.  Nicely done, sir!

Sir Ulrich:
Looks like I wont be wearing it for a while, I hurt my back putting the hauberk on and am out of comission. I also think I might be sick as my lymph nodes are swollen yet again. Ever since 2013 I've been getting sick at this EXACT same time every year, same symptoms too. Maybe it's a seasonal bug? I have no clue. But I hope I will recover in time for NJ ren faire which I plan to meet up with Aiden and Nate there dressed in a 12th century kit.

Sir William:
Ulrich, have you been to the doc yet for a diagnosis?  You might be suffering from seasonal allergies- something I didn't experience until I hit my 30s.  It also might be something more serious- what we thought was the flu turned out to be a double whammy of sinus and kidney infection. 

How'd you hurt yourself with your hauberk- over extension?  That's one thing about these more form fitted hauberks, its a right devil to get on and off.  Still love it though.

Sir Edward:

Yep, I would definitely suspect allergies for the seasonal thing.

Starting about 5 years ago for me, I would get sick on almost the exact same day every year. The first Saturday of March. The doctor told me to start hitting the antihistamines in advance of it, and that does the trick. I still get a little sickly, but it usually doesn't become overwhelming and turn into a sinus infection automatically.

But to fight down the allergies, I'm finding I need to double up on the antihistamines from the start of March straight on into sometime in May, when I can back off to just one.

You can develop new allergies over time, and spring is full of pollen.


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