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Trying to identify a show from the early 2000s - Making a Knight?

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Sir William:
Well I couldn't find anything on TLC, THC or Discovery about a show in the 2000s about knights.  Hope someone else can find/remember it!

Sir Ancelyn:
I think this may be the article what you want guvnor.

Discovery Channel to Re-run "Making of a Knight"
Submitted by Milica on Mon, 2003-03-10 17:58
For those who missed its premiere, the Discovery Channel will re-run its two-hour documentary on medieval jousting, "Medieval Tournament: Making of a Knight." Discovery describes its documentary as follows:
"Witness the recreation of the Medieval tournament in its entire spectacle. The heart of Medieval culture, these glamorous occasions were well attended by the masses and contributed to national order and stability."
In truth, the program follows four young men and their mentor as they prepare and train for an authentic jousting tourney. The two-hour program will be repeated on March 23, 2003, at 5:00 pm US Eastern time (2200 GMT).

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Problem is, the link is broken. Some further searching on amazon or deep discount DVD might turn it up.

Sir Ancelyn:
Could it possibly be "The Making of a Knight's Tale"? This one Discovery Channel has, or at least acknowledges as once having had it. And, having seen this . . ahem . . movie I can attest that a lot of it revolves around the tournament.

Sir William:
Way to go, Sir Ancelyn!  I couldn't find anything...that is, I found a myriad number of sites dealing with all things knightly, but nothing about an actual tv show.  Search THC, TLC and TDC turned up a goose egg...for me anyways.

Sir James A:
Ancelyn, that description sounds spot on. I can even remember the Family Guy episode about the renn fest where they have a bit of a spoof on it as Peter trains to joust, with special guest voice R Lee Ermy (the drill sergeant).

I WILL find this somehow. Hopefully it doesn't involve resorting to going through alllll my unlabeled VHS tapes to see if I still have it on one. :D

Bah! Such teasing! We know it exists!

Double gah!


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